MTB Shuttles full day

Fra NZD NZ$ 140,00
  • Varighet: 6 Timer (ca.)
  • Lokasjon: Nelson, Hira
  • Produktkode: P8ZMBU

From December our Private MTB shuttles will be available to book from Thursdays - Sundays

We do not run private shuttles on Mondays - Wednesdays

please arrive 20 minutes prior to your shuttle departure time to make the most of your uplifts

Please note: This product is on request. We will confirm availability within the shortest possible time after we receive your order.

We are in the early stages of providing MTB shuttles as frequent departures from our base - the demand just isn't quite there yet so we are running on private shuttles only / bus shuttles on weekends and an on demand service IF we have capacity for this

**On demand shuttles are not guranteed - if you want to shuttle for a full day or half day YOU NEED TO BOOK AHEAD**

The trail system has had some great new developments, really opening up to the G3 catergory with 3 trails from top to bottom linking into each other. On top of these we have 3 awesome G4 trails followed by true Nelson grade 5 (think Black Diamond - double Black Diamond). The majority of the trails are set in spectacular native forest and bush with the trail characteristic's of the G4's and 5's steep, techy and rocky. 

The trail system currently consists of:

**Full update on trail forks**

**Main side trails**

- Skywire access road - Climbing road, utilized by all things with wheels and legs - Shuttle vans, quad bike tours, MTB's, E-bikers walkers, runners

Keep left, please give way to all park vehicles and tours. If riding down - GO SLOW and watch for blind corners.

- Rainbow Unicorn - climbing trail onwards from Skywire road - access to Marty's Daycare, CCR, Lower Gamble, Jurrasic, Jungle boxer

- Bayview Road - peels off Skywire road intersection - access to "Bayview lookout" and pedal access to Gamble if you dare..

- Pine Line Skid site - access to Pine line G5 and Happy Days G3

- Stinger - Grade 3 All time favourite. Accessible by a half climb sitting at about 200-250 vertical metres. Fun flowy G3 in the native forest - couple of tight corners and stray roots here and there but a wicked fun track! Flows onto Live wire to exit

- Jungle Boxer - Grade 3 A mini Paparoa, west coast expereince. amazing jungle forest, rocky terrain under tyre with a couple of scree sections. finishes out in the Kanuka trees which can get a little dry so watch out for that in summer. Starts Top of the main Hub at Rainbow unicorn - about 380m - flows out onto Bayview road and into Pine line skid

- Happy Days - Grade 3 Our newest edition to the trail network. Connecting exit of Jungle Boxer to the top of Stinger or a slightly shorter pedal if you dont want the extra climb up rainbow unicorn! Awesome flowy single track with some nice spots of tech for surprise and progression. Slightly narrower than stinger for reference, but similar level of difficulty. A few pinch climbs at the end to keep you on guard

- CCR (Cookie Crumble Ridge) - Grade 4 Following the ridge line this trail features narrow lines between trees, good root tech and a bit of rocky out crops for your ultimate decent. Pretty slippery on the roots in the wet - similar to top section of Te Ara Koa for trail reference. Flows into Stinger G3 or Lost Time G5, or exit on to Skywire road to stay high and do a half pedal for round 2.

- Lost time - Grade 5 Coming off of CCR of accessing from Stinger start, this trail starts a steep rocky decent down the ridge before cutting back into the native for some all time steep, flowy tight corners. Graded a 5 for the extra commitments and steep/tightness of the corners - a mini Butters for trail reference, pretty good after rain - give it a day to dry then super tacky goodness!

- Marty's Daycare Grade 4 Starts either off Rainbow unicorn climb OR drop into Lower Gamble from CCR for a fuller decent incorporating the mighty gap jump clearing the climbing trail! Kanuka forest, off camber, good rock rolls and loose when extra dry.

 - Jurassic – Grade 5 Enduro trial, start is off Rainbow Unicorn OR can flow in from Gamble. Finishes at the bottom of Valley, linking onto live wire for exit (400m Vertical metres). Pretty full on tech trail with multi line choices in places, more rooty goodness, scree and some amazing forest, harder than gamble - especially in the wet she gets pretty rowdy

- Gamble – Grade 5 Enduro trail stariting at 600m - trail is 300 vertical metres – finishes half way down at Skywire or flow into Jurrasic for the ultimate 20min decent and 600m drop OR copy the Queens stage from Cable Bay Enduro Gamble, CCR, Lost time for a wicked combination of different trails!  - steep, techy and rooty with some good flow, log drops and some tricky chutes

- Pine-line G5 Steep, committing, fast and flowy and as the name suggests, in the Pine. Different style trail compared to the Native lines - dirt os also Clay like so good to avoid in the wet!!

- Live Wire grade 3 - TRAIL EXIT – Naturally flow onto live wire from exit of rom bottom of Jurassic, Lost time and stinger. flows beside the river on the way out to bottom skid/paintball G3/G4 trail with a touch of tech in places

**South side trails**

- Formula 1 - Grade 3 Starts at 100 vertical meters. Switch back and flowy with high berms. Exposed so can get a bit marbley when dry / over grown with gorse. Inbetween a Firball and P51 at Codgers for trail reference

- DH track – Grade 5 (350 vertical metres – The favourite spot for Instagram shots on the road gap - raw and very steep and committing in places, best with a touch of moisture - not ridden too much, mainly used for comps.

- Deliverance - Grade 6 - Double black A great addition to the park for the experienced rider. A mash up of Pine line and Jurrasic put together. Very steep on the top section with tight S bends, loose scree, techy lines and pokey chutey sections. Amazing catch berms on the tight dropping corners. Pretty loose when very dry and when very wet.

Timing: Decent from Gamble, 600m, top to bottom and exit out for the full run will take best riders around  25min no stopping, most groups waiting for people and taking in the views 45 min+. Shuttle is 25min to drop off pint from base and is a pretty full on 4X4 climb for the last 1km

Southside DH Trail/Deliverance side 10-15min tops for timing (good rider cruising down but not racing <10min) Race runs <5min (allow extra time for multiple photo ops on the road gap!)

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